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I know, I know I am a bit late to the party, but better late than never.

You are wondering what I am talking about? Well only about the best record ever dropped since the beginning of times.

Yes you are thinking correctly I am talking about "Nightmare", latest single from our (my) favourite artist Halsey.

I needed this song like I need air and I didn't even know it.

It is a rebellious and angry song. That's exactly what I needed, well what everyone needed right now.

I felt so and understood the first time I heard it. Understood and angry and powerful, because finally someone is making a song about a girl struggles on a everyday basis.

I mean she sings about cat-call. I think 10 out of 10 girls can relate to that.

It happens to me maybe once or twice a week if not more.

Men looking at you just walking in the street, waving from their car, turning their neck to see your ass, smiling pretending you to smile back.


How many times it happened to you, while being in a club and a man comes at you pretending you to talk to him, asking why are you being so serious and why don't you smile more.

If you don't than they call you mean - or a nightmare.

All you want to do in that moment is scream.

Scream that no, " No, I ain't got nothin' to smile about - got no one to smile for - I don't owe you a goddamn thing."

And she did it. She sang it. More than singing she is actually screaming what everyone of us is been thinking all that time but never did say it.

I heard an interview lately when Halsey explains that this song is meant to be for the people who are not already part of the "fight". Meaning that if you stand for all women's wrights you can use this song as an anthem, if you are not, well you should listen to it and maybe you will think twice before asking a "little lady to give you a smile"

If you haven't listen to the song yet.

One: where do you live on the moon?

Two: I leave the video below.

Go ahead, scream along, I will be happy - your neighbours a little less.

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